Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 9/28/22

Year: 2022

Journal of Health Services and Education, is an academic publication of Marmara University, Vocational School of Health Services. It is an open access, double blind peer-reviewed journal. The aim of the journal is to publish papers from educational programs, primarily from Vocational Schools of Health Services which includes clinical and experimental research articles about health care. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles and also papers from students of vocational school of health services. 

No fees are requested from the authors at any point throughout the evaluation and publication process. All manuscripts must be submitted via the online submission system, which is available.

Academics, health members and students in all disciplines of health related services are the main target audience.



1. Manuscripts should be typed with 12 pt Times New Roman font using Microsoft Word Program and 1.5 line spacing with 2.5 cm space on top, bottom and both sides of the page. Articles must be prepared in doc and docx format.

2. The manuscripts should be sent to the shmyo.dergi@marmara.edu.tr mail address.

3. The maximum page limitation for research articles excluding title page, table, figure, graphic and pictures are 15 pages and for review articles 10 pages. Reviews. will be published in limited edition in each issue.

4. The title should be descriptive, essense to reflect the content of the article and should be written with capital letters.

5. The authors name and affiliations, contact information of the corresponding author including postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers (if any) should be given in the title page. If the research is supported by a institution or organization and presented in a congress it should be indicated as a note.

6. Manuscripts should contain abstract, English abstract (including title in English ), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and References parts respectively.

7. Pages must be numbered in the article text.

8. General accepted abbreviations should be used in the text, the abbreviations in the text can be used throughout the text only after being indicated in parentheses at the first mention. Abbreviations should not be used in titles, abstracts, table headings, figure captions and sentence headings. The full numbers up to nine should be written as text.

9. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words in Turkish and English, and should be sufficient to understand the complete work. 2- 5 keywords related to the research should be given below the abstract and English abstract section. Keywords should be compatible with Index Medicus: Medical Subject Headings and Turkish Scientific Terms dictionary and should be indicated both in Turkish and English.

10. Abstract section should not include formulas, tables or references, nonstandard or uncommon abbreviations.

11. The whole manuscript should be prepared in Turkish or English.

12. The total number of photos, figures, graphics, drawings and diagrams should not exceed 6. Photos should be in JPG (or JPEG) format indicating figure number and captions.

13. Units, weights and measurements should be compatible with International Unit System (SI).

14. Figures should be numbered consecutively (eg. Figure 1). Captions of figures should be given in separate page.

15. Tables should be numbered in order of appearance in the text (eg, Table 1). Each table should be presented in separate page with short explanatory information given above and necessary footnotes should be given below the table.

16. References should be written and numbered as line with the text. “Index Medicus” writing rules should be followed in the references section.  All of the authors in the references should be specified.


Reference Writing Examples


Ozkan N, Salva E, Çakalagaoglu F, Tüzüner B. Honey as a substitute for formalin. Biotech Histochem. 2012; 87: 148-53.

Chapter in a Book

Yüksel M, Velioğlu Ogunc A, Sahin H, Gülen D: Tıbbi laboratuvar programları için yeni bir açılım: Moleküler biyoloji ve genetik yöntemler. Geçmişten Geleceğe Sağlık Teknikerliği. Editör: Rabet Gözil, Onur Matbaacılık, Ankara 2008: 133-143.


Thibodeau GA, Patton KT. Anatomy and Physiology. Mosby-Year Book, St.Louis.1993.


FDA Consumer Health Information. How to Dispose of Unused Medicines. PDF Dökümanı [Date of access: 6 Ocak 2012]

Permission request: Manuscripts, tables, graphics, figures and pictures published in Journal of Health Services and Education cannot be reproduced, achieved in a system, used in advertisement materials, without a written permission. Citations can be included only in scientific articles with referral.
Frequency: Two times a year (March, September)